Today: Freedom Enough 006 - Featuring a deep dive into the story of political prisoner Elizabeth Harding
Lizzie - Accused powerful ex husband of pedophilia
Jailed twice on B.S. family court / criminal charges, never given a trial.
$18 million stolen
Involuntarily committed to psych hospital
"Perception of Conspiracy" = schizophrenia now
Date: Sunday Feb. 19, 2023
Time: 2 PM East / 11 AM Pacific
Where: Speak Free Radio (audio, archives here)
Where else: Twitch (video, archives here)
Why: Because you want to escape the cage and live free from government.
If you want to be a guest, contact me. I am interested in people who have been through legal hell.
If you want to share a 1 minute video of you explaining your legal nightmare, you may upload it here.
Change my mind...
I am also keenly interested in talking with anyone who challenges my conclusion that the Court system is a criminal extortion racket, or that the only solution is Voluntaryism. (What is Voluntaryism?)
It is every district attorney's job to keep the rates of child molestation down. They do this by protecting children and prosecuting abusers.
Santa Clara County is a prime example of this not happening. D.A. Jeff Rosen is actually doing the opposite of protecting children. He helps sex traffickers keep the molestation going.
I told Mr. Rosen about pertinent details involving what was happening to my kids. Instead of doing anything to protect my kids, he FILED CHARGES AGAINST ME. The goal was to being the matter to competency hearing and cover up the crime. I didn't even commit a crime.
When I refused to go along with it, the sex trafficker had me assaulted. Mr. Rosen just let it…
I have been through legal hell BECAUSE of a woman just like Elizabeth Harding Weinstein with ridiculous false allegations and she was allowed to cause harm. There are plenty of real victims; Ms. Weinstein is NOT one of them; her husband and children are. Michael Schmitt
It is with 100% certainty a leading if not largest affiliate of Child Sex Trafficking. Judge Riff, Lipner, Epstein, Cotton, Taylor, Watkins and Traber are all involved. They codified their allegiance to Los Angeles County Bar Association, San Fernando Valley Bar Association, and the Beverly Hills Bar Association who is used as a conduit for money and protection. Justice Smalley and her Superior Court Husband Richard Burdge didn't accidently end up in their positions to protect their positions. They use sex traffickers who are protected by dirty attorneys and law firms to shuttle these children and women from houses across America with the help of a Invitation Homes who act as a 3 rd and 4th degree of separation…