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Freedom Enough 050: 2023 Person of the Year - ChatGPT

Writer's picture: Alex BakerAlex Baker

Where else: (video, archives here)

Why: Because you want to escape the cage and live free from government.

If you want to be a guest, contact me. I am interested in people who have been through legal hell.

If you want to share a 1 minute video of you explaining your legal nightmare, you may upload it here.

Change my mind...

I am also keenly interested in talking with anyone who challenges my conclusion that the Court system is a criminal extortion racket, or that the only solution is Voluntaryism. (What is Voluntaryism?)


Jan 01, 2024

Hello Alex hope all is well from me and Justin thank u for everything u do many more blessings to you and your family hopefully I can be a guest soon 🎊🎈🎁I have a lot to say my 16 year old daughter pregnant by a 21 year old man of course Marphet denied a rest order no trials in dependency court cases No due process with that being said I might have my first trial in 8 years to get my 10 year old son back home happy new year’s


Dec 31, 2023

Happy new 2024, we will see how bad its going to be, but US election screams for a giant distraction event...

And thanks so much for all the work and all podcast, always enjoy "Freedom Enough" on SFR


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