Los Angeles mother Raneisha Hubbert alleges that her baby's father has recently tried to choke her. Evidently that's OK by Court Commissioner Stephen C. Marpet. After Raneisha attempted to file a restraining order, Comm. Marpet ordered:
[I]f the mother desires to request any type of restraining order she needs to go through her own attorney and file the appropriate document here in the Children's Court- Dept 410 not any other court house. If the court is informed that the mother is filing restraining orders in other court rooms / court houses the court will deem this a violation of the court orders and look into detaining the child from the mother's custody.
Wow. Just Wow. This Order is blatantly illegal, on 3 grounds.
Restraining Orders may be requested pro se, Raneisha doesn't have to have an attorney.
There are various types of restraining orders, which may be properly requested in various courts. No judge has a right to order a person not to file a restraining order in some other court. That amounts to a restraining order against Raneisha, enjoining her from accessing the court system. That's not even a thing.
Even if Raneisha did file a request for restraining order, and a judge did deem it improperly filed for some reason, in no way is that grounds to seize a baby. Period.
This would appear to be a civil rights violation, for sure. As we all now know, babies are a hot commodity for CPS. When this baby was just a couple of days old back in February 2021, CPS tried to get the hospital to refuse to discharge.
On behalf of FCACC, we showed up to the hospital to intervene late on a Sunday night, confirmed that there was no medical reason to hold the baby, and threatened to file a civil rights lawsuit if mother and baby were not discharged that very night.
The strategy worked, the hospital backed down, and Raneisha and baby were allowed to leave. But CPS has not taken this baby out of their sights. They initiated something called a "non-detention" case, meaning they haven't snatched the baby yet, but are still harassing Raneisha on a regular basis.
Please share. If you are interested in working in the resistance movement against Court Corruption, please join the new FCACC.
21CCJP01280A, In Re REDACTED, 9-17-2021 Minute Order.
The LA CPS attorneys who are a part of these lies with the commissioner/judges need to be held accountable 110%. Ripping innocent children away from families causing fear, trauma, anxiety, rejection, trust issues and a lifetime of emotional damage.
I have a problem with Commissioner Stepen Marpet as well. He is corrupt and needs to be impeached. He is actively abusing his authority as a judge because of the bribery that is involved in juvenile courts.
Stephen C Marpet is now being investigated by the California Commission on Judicial Performance for his misconduct in 2 separate cases. If you have been victimized by this corrupt commissioner please file a CJP complaint and contact the Family Court Anti-Corruption Coalition. We are assisting with a year-long investigation into CPS corruption in LA County.