AMATO, RUFTY: Abolish Family Courts, Arrest Judges
End The Widespread Judicial Abuse Opinion Francesca Amato
As the West Virginia legislature continues to struggle with, and fail, to reform family law courts, two of America’s, vocal, court critics are, boldly, calling for the abolishment of family courts and the arrest and prosecution of judges. Francesca Amato, author, talk show host and founder of Punished 4 Protecting, as well as columnist Don Rufty, don’t believe that legislative reforms are enough to solve the problems. “A broken system can’t help broken people,” says Amato. “It must be abolished and judges arrested for their crimes against the people. This is where the battle has to be waged, or the crimes will continue.” “The rotten Family Court CPS racket is being exposed more and more,” says Rufty. “Research has shown that 85% of American Children kidnapped Under Color Of Law (under the pretense of law) by the Racketeers have been taken from Fit Parents, not from unfit parents.” Rufty is calling on President Donald J. Trump to take action against corrupt judges. There will be judges who criticize Amato and Rufty’s comments as “drastic” and an attack on the judiciary. However, social media is filled with people accusing judges of lying and other unethical misconduct.
Here, in West Virginia, the Supreme Court of Appeals has a, lengthy, history of protecting lying Family Court Judges and court officials. Publisher’s note: The expressed opinions and information provided are their own, not necessarily those of’s.
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