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#1 Most Corrupt Family Law Trial EVER! Baker v. Marlo

AUGUST 23, 25, 26 27 in Santa Monica

This was a Long Cause trial in Downtown LA, mysteriously transferred to Santa Monica at the last second...

1. Case Type: Family Law

2. Case Number: LD068701

3. Name of Person Submitting Request: Alexander C. Baker, Petition

4. Case Title: Baker v. Baker [ Alexander Collin Baker v. Clara Veseliza Baker, aka Clair Marlo ]

5. Courthouse: L.A. Superior Court, Santa Monica Courthouse

6. Courthouse Address: 1725 Main St, Santa Monica, CA 90401

7. Department: E

8. Date and Time of Proceeding: August 23, 25, 26, 27 - 2021 - 10 AM Start

9. Video Link to the hearing: N/A, they blocked us

10. Audio Link to the hearing: N/A, they blocked us

11. Any other instructions necessary to participate in this proceeding:

Why did Respondent not have to equalize music royalties when the Court ordered it in 2016?

Why did they illegally close discovery?

Why did they illegally "waive" Baker's right to a Final Declaration of Disclosure?

Why did they let Respondent take $225,000 cash from a disputed property?

Why did they let Respondent and attorney Joe Yanny take $85,722 from the trust account?

Why won't they admit the forged music contracts as evidence?

Why did they find litigation is "domestic violence" whether the case has merit or not?

Will they let Respondent take 3 houses as her own, even though she can't trace the money?

Will they let Respondent steal the family business, Invisible Hand Productions?

Will they sanction Petitioner $ 500 K (or $1M) for "unnecessary" litigation?

Why did they let Respondent get away with not allowing court ordered visitation?

And, is murdering attorney Marc Angelucci sanctionable under F.C. § 271 ?

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